Friday 9 July 2010

Déjà vu?

Bendik and Mari pretending to be Dr Whatson and Polly Line in Fredericia in 1849..

The picture is from "Den Gamle By" in Århus.


Sans! said...

OMG!!!! Hahahaha! I swear I thought they were your dolls! Well done, Helene! Bravo!

Pubdoll said...

Thanks Sans, but I think the kids deserve the credit for this, they knew exactly how to pose :-)

Rebecca said...

Dolls imitating humans, humans imitating dolls - which is real life? Fantastic again, many thanks to Bendik and Mari!

Pubdoll said...

Ha, ha, don't ask me, I'm totally bewildered. Sometimes, when I wear a retro patterned blouse, I say to my workmates that Karl Edo chose my outfit today :-) My family are also totally in on this and can say things like "that would Polly Line have liked" or "that would Karl Edo have liked" :-)
I will forward the thanks to Bendik and Mari :-)